服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 交友尋緣Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

本 公司乃政府認可分銷商,專營日本進口車,由入口,買賣,保養, 維修,一條龍服務
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Harrison Motor Service Co. 恆信汽車

服務對象包括: 貓 狗 貂鼠 龍貓 天竺鼠 倉鼠 葵鼠 松鼠 飛鼠 巴西龜 飛河龜 珍珠龜 星龜 盾臂龜 箱龜 雀 鳥 蜥蜴 變色龍 蛇. We see ALL CREATURES. 需預先電話預約Tel/電: 2650 6332
寵物 / 獸醫大埔獸醫診所 / Tai Po Veterinary Clinic

Linen service:Towels and linens are deaned and changed twice a week

服務包括: 單人或私人約會, 中港約會
M消閒及娛樂 / 約會服務Mr. Paco Leung / Queenie

We strive to provide the best service,innovative concept and unique design to our valued customers.

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

鎖閘易- 服務地區:新界、九龍、港島(離島、村屋或其他偏遠地區另議),提供:開鎖、換鎖、裝鎖、配匙、換鐵閘鎖、木門、鐵門、捲閘、自動門、指紋鎖、密碼鎖、電子鎖、夾萬開修、汽車開鎖、密碼電鎖、家居電器維修,服務熱線:46788855
s家居 / 開鎖sly2342002

The workshop also offers a full range of repair and service facilities from regular day to day maintenance, up to a range of fast road conversion.

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Expanding Internet applications service provider for Beauty and Education Industries invites the qualified candidates for the following vacancies.

智務所 (aivofc.com) 是你的虛擬辦公室和電子商貿一站形式解決方案o 我們的服務範圍包括成立香港及海外有限公司,公司秘書,註冊地址,會計,稅務,免費會計系統,網上信用咭收款係統,網頁設計,網站寄存,等等。"高效的服務,合理的價格" - 憑藉各員工的專業技術和經驗, 我們確保能為客戶提供最佳的服務質素。

SalonFinder是全新美容指南, 邊間好?美容、美甲、髮型、按摩、水療、眉型、化妝,各項扮靚行業。客人可以找有信譽,唔Hardsell的美容服務。仲要有回贈及評分,做得好唔好您都可以評價返店舖,做美容服務最緊要有保障。SalonFinder幫各位扮靚人士搜羅優質美容服務,唔信,快啲去睇下啦。Beauty Salon reviews and make booking now!

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

SERVICE: > Checking Tire Pressure > Checking & Adding Oil - Checking Engine Oil - Harley-Davidson Motorcycles - Purchase of New or Used Motorcycles - Parts & Accessories - Service & Repairs.

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

Convention Plaza Apartments is one of the Hong Kong's most prestigious residential addresses. Located on Hong Kong Island
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Marriott Properties (Int'l) Ltd
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